

综合健康教育标准和绩效指标贯穿于整个小学体验. 幼儿园教师实施各种健康教育学习活动,以促进和实践健康技能和策略.


  • 心理和情绪健康 - identify positive communication forms; discuss emotions,feelings, and character traits
  • 酒精、烟草和其他毒品 -调查药物的适当用途
  • 个人和消费者健康 - explain methods of personal cleanliness and care of your body; demonstrate the steps of hand washing
  • 家庭生活和人类性行为 -讨论家庭单位和结构
  • 安全和伤害预防 - demonstrate calling 911; pedestrian, 火, and auto passenger safety; list personal identification information that is important when lost or separated
  • 营养与健康 - identify sources of foods; describe the relationship between smells and appearance to food choices; list the food groups; analyze food and wellness; demonstrate good manners
  • 疾病预防和控制 -展示减少患病风险的策略(勤洗手), 封面打喷嚏或咳嗽, 免疫接种)